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One off
Time Limited
Open Ended

How long does Psychotherapy take?

Each person’s experience of psychotherapy is unique so there is no exact answer to this question.


If you haven’t had therapy before you may feel anxious and have questions. This is fine and can be explored when we meet. For some clients having 12 therapy sessions may be enough to see them through a difficult situation, while for others, being able to choose how long to be in therapy is more helpful. 


However long you choose to be in therapy the insight gained through psychotherapy can often improve relationships, alleviate emotional suffering and lead to long-lasting, positive change.

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Initial Consultations

When considering psychotherapy it is a good idea to meet once or twice to get a sense of the issues which are troubling you. 


Each consultation will give you the chance to experience what psychotherapy is like and to fully explore whether therapy is right for you. 


Getting the right help is very important and if it looks like I may not be the right person to help you then I can sometimes offer a referral service so that you can access the right help for your situation. 

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Time-Limited Psychotherapy

I offer up to 12 psychotherapy sessions which are usually focused on a particular issue or specific goal. This will be discussed when we first meet.


Time-limited psychotherapy can be helpful for issues such as work stress, relationship problems, anxiety, depression, panic, issues around food,  emotional pain and sudden or unexpected life events. 


Clients will be given a schedule of their psychotherapy sessions and account can be taken of holidays or planned absences if known before therapy begins.

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Open-Ended Psychotherapy

The psychodynamic psychotherapy approach recognises that issues in the present may have their origins in the past. Exploring these issues can take time.


Open-ended psychotherapy allows for difficult and sometimes long-existing issues to be explored in a safe and containing way and at a pace that suits you. 


Deciding how long to be in therapy is a personal choice and can be fully explored in our sessions.  


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